Public Speaking Courses in Bristol - build your confidence
with my different approach to public speaking
Would you like to speak in front of an audience with confidence
and ease? And if that was possible, what would you do with your life?
Reviews of my course by Bristol course attendees
“Didn't know what to expect but was so pleased I booked this course. Found the 2 days incredibly engaging and life changing. An opportunity for everyone myself included to be taking their place in the world and can recommend this to anyone who is hesitant in public speaking. Thanks again John, amazing 2 days.”
Sarah House
“John's 2 day course was more beneficial than I could've imagined. Not only did I leave feeling confident and comfortable with public speaking, but also with a new confident approach to facing all sorts of challenges. Highly recommend this course”
Sophie Lang
“I recently attended John's excellent 2 day public speaking course. I highly recommend attending, especially for those who lack confidence presenting or speaking in front of groups of people. The approach John teaches is simple yet extremely effective. I took away many great skills not just for public speaking but for improving confidence in a vast array of settings. Thanks again John!”
Chris Durham
Five years of course reviews here
Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB - venue information
upcoming dates
Money Back Guarantee
All my public speaking courses come with a simple no quibble guarantee.
Full details here
Taking your place in the world
Two day public speaking course run by John Dawson
The course is aimed at people who don't like public speaking or are struggling with it. This 2 day course has been running for 25 years and I run it 33 times a year in Bristol, Manchester and London. It will help you to learn how to feel more at ease in front of an audience, change how you feel about being the centre of attention, learn to speak publicly (in a conversational manner rather than performing) and to create a connection with the audience. Many people who come on this course have previously found public speaking tricky to say the least. I know you might be nervous but time and time again people have said "I wish I had done this course 5 or 10 years ago!"
The course really works with beginners as well as people who have been public speaking for a while but are still anxious. You’ll have the chance to absorb and practise what you have learnt on the first day and work with it on the following day. It's all about learning the new fundamental skills and re-thinking what we need for public speaking. Beginners is a strange term here as I get some people who have been speaking for a long time but are doing the wrong stuff and still feel grim.
The course name came from Gill, wrote this about my course in 2009: “John offers more than public speaking training. This course is about taking your place in the world and to NOT apologise for doing so”
“The experiential way that we built things up over the two days was amazingly effective. I found the whole experience incredibly powerful and felt so present for so much of the time, which meant I remembered and took on board an enormous amount. I love the wholehearted way John goes about his work - hugely impactful.”
Jessica King
from a five star google review about the Bristol course
How I Teach
It’s an experiential course (learning through experience and discussion) which builds up the learning in very small steps, sometimes very baby steps! The smaller the steps are, the easier it is to learn.
It’s NOT a course about how to structure a presentation. It’s different from a lot of courses. It’s a public speaking course about the psychology of anxiety, confidence and public speaking for people who don’t like public speaking.
We learn about audiences and what gets in the way for us as public speakers. Then we look at the new skills and new reframes that we need to make being the centre of attention and public speaking far more possible. Most of the course is focused on learning these new skills and mindset changes we need to make to make public speaking a whole lot simpler.
I do this by:
Keeping the course numbers to 6-10 people so it’s a small enough course to have individual attention and big enough to feel like public speaking.
Individual coaching through the course
Pair work exercises
Group conversations and exercises, building confidence and changing what it means to be the centre of attention
Gentle public speaking practice with reflection, building on what we are learning all the way through the course. It’s all about small steps.
Using ground-rules to set up the learning space to be as safe as possible. This is a key part of my approach and something I really value.
Open to any questions throughout the course
Clear Course materials
Additional help through coaching can be arranged pre or post-course.
I try to model the practice all the way through the teaching
The course is run by me, John Dawson. I’ve been teaching this course for 25 years and it’s been constantly evolving as I’ve learnt more and more. It’s a job that I love. My passion is to help people have confidence not just for public speaking but for life!
I moved to Bristol in 1982 and have lived around the area since then.
More information
My e-mail is or ring or WhatsApp me on 07730 550842
Quick Chat: Book a “Talk to me for free!” 10 minute slots are offered when I can, including up to 19:30. Book here
Coaching Deal: My one-to-one coaching hour sessions are via Zoom with an introductory session for £45 for an hour’s session instead of my normal £95.
My Bristol courses for 2025…
Only course in UK available as all others fully booked in April
Tuesday April 1st - Wed April 2nd, Bristol
'Taking your place in the world' - a 2 day public speaking course
Just ONE space left
Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB
Standard rate - all places gone
Suitable for a company OR organisation paying for your place either in whole or in part, whether directly or by reimbursing you.
Normal price: £625 + vat - total £750
Solo rate - just one place left
You qualify for the solo rate if you are paying for yourself and there is NO organisational support for payment or you are NOT being reimbursed by your company.
Normal price: £468 + vat - £561.60
Spread the costs
Instalment payments for Solo Rate payers
If you want to pay the normal price spread over 6 month instalments, with no extra costs , let me know
Book here by debit or credit card
Book your place by choosing the right "booking type" below and pay with your credit/debit card. All prices include VAT. Standard Rate purchasers: If you need an invoice with your organisation's purchase order please email us.
Venue and further info
Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB.
All courses come with a money back guarantee.
You can cancel up to 14 days before with NO charge - Cancellation policy.
Day 1, 9am - 5pm;
Day 2, 9 am - 4pm
Course numbers: 6 people min - 10 people max
Need an invoice?
Often organisations book via credit card for a single booking and that’s the simplest way. If you want an invoice, or want to book multiple people on a course, I can invoice you. Contact me about what your organisation needs via email
Who comes?
Everyone who comes doesn’t like public speaking in some way.
Everyone on the course won’t be better than you! There is no powerpoint, the dress code is smart casual. Everyone there wants to get their heads around being the centre of attention, pausing, connecting to audience, and learning new ways of being with anxiety. A full list of all the occupations who have come is here
Thursday May 15th - Friday May 16th, Bristol
'Taking your place in the world' - a 2 day public speaking course
Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB
Standard rate
Suitable for a company OR organisation paying for your place either in whole or in part, whether directly or by reimbursing you.
Earlybird discount by April 15th : £540 + vat - total £648
Normal price: £625 + vat - total £750
Solo rate
You qualify for the solo rate if you are paying for yourself and there is NO organisational support for payment or you are NOT being reimbursed by your company.
Earlybird by April 15th: £395.83 plus vat - £475
Normal price: £468 + vat - £561.60
Book here by debit or credit card
Book your place by choosing the right "booking type" below and pay with your credit/debit card. All prices include VAT. Standard Rate purchasers: If you need an invoice with your organisation's purchase order please email us.
Venue and further info
Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB.
All courses come with a money back guarantee.
You can cancel up to 14 days before with NO charge - Cancellation policy.
Day 1, 9am - 5pm;
Day 2, 9 am - 4pm
Course numbers: 6 people min - 10 people max
Need an invoice?
Often organisations book via credit card for a single booking and that’s the simplest way. If you want an invoice, or want to book multiple people on a course, I can invoice you. Contact me about what your organisation needs via email
Who comes?
Everyone who comes doesn’t like public speaking in some way.
Everyone on the course won’t be better than you! There is no powerpoint, the dress code is smart casual. Everyone there wants to get their heads around being the centre of attention, pausing, connecting to audience, and learning new ways of being with anxiety. A full list of all the occupations who have come is here
Wednesday 11th - Thursday 12th June, Bristol
'Taking your place in the world' - a 2 day public speaking course
Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB
Standard rate
Suitable for a company OR organisation paying for your place either in whole or in part, whether directly or by reimbursing you.
Earlybird discount by May 11th : £540 + vat - total £648
Normal price: £625 + vat - total £750
Solo rate
You qualify for the solo rate if you are paying for yourself and there is NO organisational support for payment or you are NOT being reimbursed by your company.
Earlybird by May 11th: £395.83 plus vat - £475
Normal price: £468 + vat - £561.60
Book here by debit or credit card
Book your place by choosing the right "booking type" below and pay with your credit/debit card. All prices include VAT. Standard Rate purchasers: If you need an invoice with your organisation's purchase order please email us.
Venue and further info
Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB.
All courses come with a money back guarantee.
You can cancel up to 14 days before with NO charge - Cancellation policy.
Day 1, 9am - 5pm;
Day 2, 9 am - 4pm
Course numbers: 6 people min - 10 people max
Need an invoice?
Often organisations book via credit card for a single booking and that’s the simplest way. If you want an invoice, or want to book multiple people on a course, I can invoice you. Contact me about what your organisation needs via email
Who comes?
Everyone who comes doesn’t like public speaking in some way.
Everyone on the course won’t be better than you! There is no powerpoint, the dress code is smart casual. Everyone there wants to get their heads around being the centre of attention, pausing, connecting to audience, and learning new ways of being with anxiety. A full list of all the occupations who have come is here
Thursday 10th - 11th July, Bristol
'Taking your place in the world' - a 2 day public speaking course
Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB
Standard rate
Suitable for a company OR organisation paying for your place either in whole or in part, whether directly or by reimbursing you.
Earlybird discount by June 10th : £540 + vat - total £648
Normal price: £625 + vat - total £750
Solo rate
You qualify for the solo rate if you are paying for yourself and there is NO organisational support for payment or you are NOT being reimbursed by your company.
Earlybird by June 10th: £395.83 plus vat - £475
Normal price: £468 + vat - £561.60
Book here by debit or credit card
Book your place by choosing the right "booking type" below and pay with your credit/debit card. All prices include VAT. Standard Rate purchasers: If you need an invoice with your organisation's purchase order please email us.
Venue and further info
Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB.
All courses come with a money back guarantee.
You can cancel up to 14 days before with NO charge - Cancellation policy.
Day 1, 9am - 5pm;
Day 2, 9 am - 4pm
Course numbers: 6 people min - 10 people max
Need an invoice?
Often organisations book via credit card for a single booking and that’s the simplest way. If you want an invoice, or want to book multiple people on a course, I can invoice you. Contact me about what your organisation needs via email
Who comes?
Everyone who comes doesn’t like public speaking in some way.
Everyone on the course won’t be better than you! There is no powerpoint, the dress code is smart casual. Everyone there wants to get their heads around being the centre of attention, pausing, connecting to audience, and learning new ways of being with anxiety. A full list of all the occupations who have come is here
Wednesday 24th - Thursday 25th September, Bristol
'Taking your place in the world' - a 2 day public speaking course
Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB
Standard rate
Suitable for a company OR organisation paying for your place either in whole or in part, whether directly or by reimbursing you.
Earlybird discount by August 15th : £540 + vat - total £648
Normal price: £625 + vat - total £750
Solo rate
You qualify for the solo rate if you are paying for yourself and there is NO organisational support for payment or you are NOT being reimbursed by your company.
Earlybird by August 15th: £395.83 plus vat - £475
Normal price: £468 + vat - £561.60
Book here by debit or credit card
Book your place by choosing the right "booking type" below and pay with your credit/debit card. All prices include VAT. Standard Rate purchasers: If you need an invoice with your organisation's purchase order please email us.