Breathing, showering, alive—grateful beyond words.
Sometimes bodyboarding seems like a miracle
Apologies for the non-posting. But I've been acutely ill with a very nasty burst appendix plus complications. Three weeks in hospital over the last 6. My consultant said "you came that close to death", holding his thumb and first finger very close.
But I'm back running courses now and feeling whole lot better. And really glad to be alive, breathing normally and able to do normal things again (like taking a shower without help). So if I've been slow in answering some emails that is why.
I've very very blessed with having Annie Frere, the course administrator, just step up hugely and single handedly ran my business whilst i was being ill. So thanks to her and to my wife Clare that there is a business to come back too.
Being that ill is quite a profound experience and I'm still coming to terms with that means. People around me on the ward were really ill and most are still there. David a friend I made in hospital died after I came out
What I do know already is that its taught me a lot about gratitude, compassion and choosing how to be with such an onslaught to the body and mind. At one stage I was struggling for each breath but being grateful for the breath calmed me down. It's also made me re-see the importance of human connection and love. Simple things matter most. Thanks for the love and my life.